I'm a women of many accessories. I think I mentioned previously that I LOVE huge oversized rings. I am a firm believer in more simple pieces and adding that perfect belt, or some amazing earrings that totally pull together the entire outfit. In high school and early college I would always buy these insanely patterned outfits that I would only be able to wear once because people would always remember them the next time I wore them. I started to take the approach to my wardrobe that you would when decorating a room. You start with your basic wall color, furniture, and then have an accent wall, pictures, wall hangings to brighten up the room. I wanted to start updating my wardrobe with timeless pieces that I could wear longer and then change out my accessories to pull together those outfits. Here are some outfit ideas that have statement accessories that pull together an outfit:
I love a good white trouser, and pairing it with a pretty pale pink shirt is simple and effortless. To add color, pair it with a really bold colored necklace. Add some brown heels or sandals, and your golden.

Next, who doesn't have a black shirt and jeans? I'm a girl with a REAL long torso so everything I pick up ends up being a tunic. Pair jeans with a black shirt/tunic/button up and add bold red earrings and a ring and your set. A plain camel hat looks great with black and would give this look a little more drama and class.

Lastly, I love the mix of orangey reds and pink. For a classy and effortless look, pair your favorite bright colored summer dress with an earth tone necklace.

If you are not comfortable with multiple accessories, start with one piece at a time. I think simplicity is also really beautiful and adds sophistication to the garments. Some general tips I have is that if i'm wearing a necklace I don't also wear earrings. If you chose to wear earrings and a necklace maybe wear smaller studs, with the statement necklace. Or if you chose to wear larger earrings, make sure your necklace does not take away from your earrings.
You want your accessories to compliment your outfit and not fight each other for attention.
Does anyone have a piece that they absolutely love? If so how do you wear it!?
Leave me a comment or send me a picture!
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